Sanadhya Brahmin Mahasabha Rajathan
Sanadhya Brahmin Mahasabha Rajathan has worked for the social welfare of the community. It has provided various scholarships, help to poor/ widow female candidates etc. Today, Mahasabha has its own building along with many social Temples, Dharamshalas, Institutions which are being run by Samaj Candidates/ Trusts.
"Sanadhya Brahmin Mahasabha Rajathan" the social magazine covers all the latest happenings, events or programmes of Brahmin Samaj from the nearby surroundings & keep the samaj updated for the same. Articles published in the magazine are full of inspiration and various branches of Mahasabha are supporting it, which are regularly in touch with meetings and correspondence. It also encourages female/ women education and their political participation
To convey the fast informations to the "Brahmin Samaj",Sanadhya Brahmin Mahasabha Rajathan have made the web site most convenient, so any person knows little internet knowledge can see the matter subject of their choice in any part of the world.Further my motto is to enhance the IT education among the boys and girls of the Samaj so they can keep them update in this sector and can grow more faster.This website " " will certainly prove most fruitful for the development of social links among all the member of the Sanadhya Brahmin Samaj.