
To become a member you must register with On registration you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement as long as you use the site and are a member thereof. The profile will be activated only after verifying with otp.


The subscription fees are not refundable under any circumstances. A paid subscription will allow you to see profiles details of registered profiles.Allows you to see complete details of others . You can access the news letter till you are a paid member. Paid subscription will continue until your marriage is fixed or for one year/six month/3months of subscription purchase by you and provided the due renewals are made.We will be happy to publish your wedding photo at your interest.

Terms and Conditions of Usage.

Your use of this Website or access of any of the services provided on the Website is subject to your acceptance of these terms and conditions (Terms or Terms and Conditions). Therefore, please contact and obtain such clarifications before using this Website. YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE SIGNIFIES YOUR AGREEMENT TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, POLICIES AND NOTICES CONTAINED HEREIN AND ALSO THE TERMS MADE AFTERWARDS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, POLICIES OR NOTICES CONTAINED ON THE WEBSITE, DO NOT USE OR ACCESS THE WEBSITE. For the purpose of this Website, User shall mean any person who uses the Website, and/or any of the services provided on the Website including but not limited to any person who posts any content including but not limited to text, data, images, video, information, and other materials or services on the Website or who views such content or materials. The's own records of the use of the Website maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be deemed accepted as conclusive and binding proof of such use. The reserves the absolute discretion to amend, delete or supplement any of these terms at any time, which amendment, deletion or supplement as the case may be shall automatically become binding on the User when the amendment, deletion or supplement is made on the Website. The use of this Website by you may be discontinued, terminated or limited at any time by the without any notice to you if you violate any part of the Terms or for any reason whatsoever.


This Website is intended to facilitate lawful marriages between persons by providing a medium for contact details between such persons. It is therefore essential that Users are capable of entering into a legal and binding contract of marriage as per the cannon law and civil laws applicable to them. By using this Website, therefore you confirm that you are/you are registering for a person who is: a. 18 years or above(if you are a woman) or 21 years or above (if you are a man); The reserves the right to forthwith terminate your use and/or registration with the Website without refund of any of subscription fee or renewal fee paid, if at any time the is, in its sole discretion, of the opinion or has any reason to believe that, you are not eligible to use this Website or that have made any misrepresentation about your eligibility.

Registration with the Website

To avail some of the services on the Website such as express interest in a member or of premium services offered by the users will be required to register with the Website. The first step in the registration process is for you to fill up the registration form available at website or manually at the office. During the process of registration or otherwise, you may be required to furnish information, (personal or otherwise). You shall ensure that you furnish accurate, complete and up-to-date information. Upon successful registration, you have a user name and password. By applying for registration you confirm and agree that you will be the sole and exclusive owner and that you accept sole responsibility for the use, confidentiality and protection of the user name and password as well as for all actions initiated using your username and password,. Your registration with the Website is for your personal use. The use of the site for commercial purpose is not allowed. You shall not authorize others to use your name and password and you shall not assign or transfer your username and /or password to any other person or entity. The disclaims any liability for such loss, theft or unauthorized use and consequences thereof. On receipt of such a complaint your name will be blocked and to avail further service you will have to again register with the website as if a fresh user, complying with other formalities contained herein. If any information provided by you for registration or otherwise if found to be untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or the has grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or complete, the has the right to suspend or terminate your registration with the Website and refuse you any and all current or future use of the Website(or any portion thereof). The reserves the right(in its sole discretion) to refuse you registration on the Website, terminate your registration and remove or edit any Content posted on the Website using your name and password.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

When you buy our services,you will not able to ask for refund or cancellation after payment confirmation, so before payemt we request you to read this policy carefully, If you are, for any reason, not entirely happy with your purchase we take customer feedback very seriously and use it to constantly improve our products and quality of service.


You are responsible for the content and information including your profile, photograph and other content including communication with other Users(Content) you post or transmit through the Website. You hereby represent and warrant that you own all right, title and interest in your Content or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to post and/or use the said Content. While the does not accept any obligation to monitor the Content, the reserves the right to review and/or verify the authenticity, accuracy and quality of Content posted by you on the Website and to determine whether the said Content is in compliance with these terms. If the is not able to verify the Content or any part thereof to its satisfaction or if the Content is found not to be in compliance with these terms, the may delete the Content and/or terminate your registration with the Website without a refund of any fee paid by you. You understand and agree that when using the Website, you will be exposed to Content from different sources, and that the shall not be responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of or relating to such Content. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable, and you hereby waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against the with respect thereto, and agree to indemnify and hold the harmless to the fullest allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of the Website. In the interest of the security and privacy of our users .The user has to inform the that the User has married another User of the Website and the wishes to update the Website with a success story. The reserves the right to request for such documents as proof of a marriage as it may deem fit from the User or both the Users. The also reserves the right to publish the success story at its discretion.